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WEBINAIRE – formation en ligne
29 septembre 2022 @ 10:00 - 30 septembre 2022 @ 17:00
Le webinaire est organisé par le Département de l’Agriculture, du Développement Rural et de la Pêche Méditerranéenne de la Région Sicilienne – ASSAGRI, en collaboration avec le Département de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et de l’Environnement, Di3A, de l’Université de Catane – UNICT, partenaires du projet TRESOR.
Au cours du webinaire, un état de l’art sur les caractéristiques et les applications des systèmes de filtres plantés sera présenté, enrichis par la description de différentes expériences et études de cas sur le traitement et la réutilisation des eaux usées et des boues dans différents contextes climatiques et géographiques.
L’événement sera entièrement organisé en mode virtuel sur la plateforme Zoom. Le lien au webinaire:
29 septembre 10h - 17h https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89430513813
ID webinar: 894 3051 3813
30 septembre 10:30h - 17h https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89996750872 ID webinar: 899 9675 0872
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Informations techniques sur le service de traduction:
Langues: le français et l’italien seront les langues adoptées. Une traduction simultanée italien-français, italien-anglais, français-anglais et vice versa sera assurée.
Panéliste : cliquez sur -> Interprétation (GLOBE) et mettez -> son original
Participants : cliquez sur -> Interprétation (GLOBE) et mettez -> votre langue
Pour interagir -> levez la main ou utilisez le chat
L’inscription à l’événement est obligatoire: le format sera disponible sur le site
Nombre maximum de participants: 100
Les affiches du webinaire aux liens suivantes
Les conférenciers:
Carlos A. Arias
Senior Researcher at the Department of Biology – Aquatic Biology – Aarhus University
He is part of the AU Constructed Wetlands expert group, led by Prof. Hans Brix. Carlos A. Arias has extensive experience in Constructed Wetlands around the world. He has participated in projects of wastewater treatment with CW in Europe, Asia, Oceania, and America. He has more than 90 publications and has been cited in more than 3000 different papers.
Steen Nielsen
Senior manager WSP – Denmark
He has a master’s degree in biology from Copenhagen University, specialised in microbial ecology and the processes of conversion of organic material and nutrient salts in aerobic and anaerobic zones, especially denitrification. He has worked at Orbicon for more than 30 years, where he specialises in sludge treatment reed beds (STRB), with a focus on design, dimensioning, operation and emptying with respect to climate, type of sludge and quality. He has managed design, operation, emptying and handling for municipalities and utilities on more than 80 major projects in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Poland.
Steen Nielsen_pdf presentation
Alexandros I. Stefanakis
Assistant Professor at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete in Greece
He is a practicing Engineer, dealing with the design of Treatment Wetlands for wastewater treatment. His research activities focuses on optimization of nature-based solutions for wastewater management, especially of industrial effluents, understanding better the various transformation-removal processes and promoting the integration of NBS in a circular water economy.
Olfa Mahjoub
Associate Professor and Head of the Chemistry Laboratory for Water-Soil-Sludge at the National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water, and Forestry (INRGREF)
With more than 19 years’ experience in wastewater management and reuse and water quality, in addition to cross-cutting related topics e.g. social acceptability, gender’s role, environment. She is principle investigator and partner of several international research projects and currently the coordinator of the project TRESOR – “Traitement des eaux usées et des boues résiduaires par filtres plantés et usage agricole durable” (“Programme IEV de Coopération Transfrontalière Italie Tunisie 2014-2020”.
Miquel Salgot
Full Professor of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at the University of Barcelona
Member of the Catalan Royal Academy of Pharmacy, Spain. He is specialized in wastewater reclamation and reuse, non-conventional water resources, with more than 100 papers and book chapters published.
Miquel Salgot_pdf presentation
Maurizio Borin
Full Professor, Department of Agronomy, Food Natural resources, Animals and Environment (DAFNAE), University of Padova
Scientific interest on: agriculture/environment relationships; water management in agriculture; natural systems for water pollution control; management of wastes with biomass production for energy purposes; agriculture and landscape; aquaponics.
Author of more than 320 scientific and extension publications, and 6 books.
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Giuseppe Cirelli
Full Professor of Agricultural hydraulics and watershed protection, University of Catania
He has been involved in several European research projects as principal investigator or responsible of Catania University “Research Unit”; He has technical collaborations with several international firms of irrigation equipments and materials. He is also consultant on design and management of natural treatment systems for several municipalities and water agencies located in Italy. He has published more than 150 scientific papers on natural wastewater treatment, wastewater reuse and irrigation.
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Paola Verlicchi
Associate Professor in Environmental Sanitary Engineering-Dept of Engineering, University of Ferrara
Her research activity mainly concerns the treatment of waste and drinking water and options for reuse. In recent years his studies have mainly focused on the treatability and treatment of wastewater containing emerging compounds, in particular drugs (in urban and hospital wastewater) and on the assessment of the environmental risk associated with the residues of these compounds in the treated water. As part of these activities, he has fruitfully collaborated with major European research centers (in Spain, UK, Luxembourg, Austria), contacts still in progress.
Paola Verlicchi_pdf presentation
Antonina Torrens Armengol
Adjunct professor at the Biology, Healthcare and Environment Department, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences of the University of Barcelona
Coordinator of WASH (Water Hygiene and Sanitation) and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for sustainable development programs at the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona (FSUB). Her main research expertise is in the field of natural technologies for sustainable water management, water quality and water reuse. She has published numerous papers in SCI journals and has been involved in more than 40 projects and numerous cooperation projects related to WASH and NBS for sustainable water management.
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Feliciana Licciardello
Assistant Professor of Agricultural hydraulics and watershed protection at the University of Catania
She has been working at several national and international projects related with 1. Soil erosion (modelling of erosion processes; evaluation of the sedimentation in artificial reservoirs; bioengineering techniques for the soil erosion reduction); 2. Wastewater reclamation and reuse in agricultural context (effects on soil and on crops irrigated with wastewater, effects on irrigation equipment); 3. Soil hydrology and eco-hydrology; 4. Characterization of soil physical and hydraulic properties.
Feliciana Licciardello, Delia Ventura_pdf presentation
Delia Ventura
Assistant Professor of Agricultural hydraulics and watershed protection at the University of Catania
She has been working at several national and international projects related with Nature-Based Solutions and decentralized systems for water management; recovery and treatment of unconventional water source and reclaimed water use in agriculture. Recovery of water, by-products, organic matter and nutrients for circular economy promotion. Innovation and integration of hydraulic monitoring techniques for Constructed Wetlands treatment process optimization for clogging control and minimization.